Drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol can cause serious accidents and catastrophic injuries. These drivers can swerve into oncoming traffic, speed through an intersection or fail to recognize stopped traffic in front of them. Serious collisions can result in devastating injuries. If you were injured or you have lost a loved one in an accident caused by a drunk driver, do not hesitate to contact our office as soon as possible.
At Sibbernsen Law Firm our lawyers have represented countless injured clients through the long history of our firm. If you need to schedule a free consultation with our Omaha drunk driving accident attorneys, we encourage you to call or email our firm today. We will carefully assess your situation and provide legal advice and representation designed to recover the full and fair monetary compensation you are owed from the at-fault party.
Because his or her perceptions are blurred, a drunk driver might speed headlong into an accident without attempting to stop or swerve. This collision can possibly lead to serious head or neck trauma, or even damage to your spinal cord.
Based on the specific aspects of your situation, we will pursue all legal avenues of monetary compensation. In some situations, dram shop liability can be pursued if the at-fault driver was overserved before leaving an establishment. If the drunk driver was in a work vehicle , it might be possible to hold the employer liable for damage. No matter the complexity of your situation, schedule a free consultation to discuss your options.
For a FREE consultation, call (402) 493-7221 today.
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